第五十七輯.第二期 - 2011-06-30


Warm Support vs. Iron Discipline? The Relation between Parenting and Adolescent Mental Health

作 者:
陳婉琪、徐崇倫 / Wan-Chi Chen, Chung-Lun Hsu
心理健康 、青少年 、父母教養 、監督管教 、嚴厲教養 / mental health 、adolescent 、parenting 、parental monitoring 、harsh parenting
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Based on the data analysis from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), this study examines how adolescents’ mental health is correlated with parenting behavior among 12,753 ninth grade students in Taiwan. In addition to reconfirming the positive influence of parental support and the negative effect of harsh parenting on adolescents’ mental health, this study also contributes to the literature as follows. First, as long as harsh parenting does not prevail, proper discipline and monitoring are positively correlated with adolescents’ mental health. Second, high parental support could mitigate the negative impact of harsh parenting. Third, fathers’ parenting effect differs from mothers’, and both are equally important. Lastly, the positive influence of parental monitoring on child’s mental health mentioned above only occurs in father-son and mother-daughter pairs. The results suggest that the same-sex parent may play a more crucial role in adolescents’ mental health development. Moreover, although parental monitoring has a positive effect on adolescents’ mental health, parental care and support remain the most crucial factors.

APA 格式
陳婉琪 、徐崇倫(Wan -Chi Chen , Chung -Lun Hsu)(2011年06月30日),〈愛的教育,鐵的紀律?父母教養方式與青少年心理健康之相關〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月26日取自


MLA 格式
陳婉琪 、徐崇倫(Wan -Chi Chen , Chung -Lun Hsu),〈愛的教育,鐵的紀律?父母教養方式與青少年心理健康之相關〉。《教育研究集刊》第 57 期(2011),取自