第五十輯.第二期 - 2004-06-30


Development Indicators and Ideal Indices for Judging the Establishment of a Learning Society, and Their Implications for Educational Policy-Making

作 者:
胡夢鯨 / Meng-Ching Hu
學習社會、發展指標、理想指數、教育決策 / Learning society、Development indicators、Ideal indices、Educational policy-making
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During recent years, the promotion of lifelong learning and the development of a “learning society” have become important goals for Taiwan and many other countries. However, we do not yet have development indicators and ideal index systems which can be used to gauge a society’s degree of “development” in this regard, and thus to judge whether a society has in fact become a “learning society.” The purpose of this study is therefore to construct development indicators and ideal indices for a learning society according to the learning-society conceptual framework and a Context-Input- Process-Products (CIPP) model. Literature review, focus groups, and questionnaire investigation are the three main methods used. The analysis of 4 years of educational statistics (1999-2002) reveals that in Taiwan most educational developments in the direction of a “learning society” do not come up to the expected ideal indices.