第四十九輯.第三期 - 2003-09-30

P. Freire的批判教學論對於教師實踐教育改革的啟示

P. Freire's Critical Pedagogy and Its Implications for Teachers Implementing Educational Reforms in Taiwan

作 者:
李奉儒 / Feng-Jihu Lee
批判教學論、教育改革 / Paulo Freire、Critical pedagogy、Educational reforms
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This article analyzes Freirean pedagogy and draws some implications for teachers facing the challenges from recent educational reforms in Taiwan. The themes of Freirean pedagogy discussed include the following: (1) the praxis of humanization, (2) the process of critical consciousness-raising, (3) the praxis of libertarian education, (4) education as political action, (5) teachers as cultural workers, and (6) the pedagogy of dialogue and problem-posing. Based on Freirean pedagogy, a few guidelines are proposed for teachers to use when implementing educational reforms, including: (1) the praxis of humanizing pedagogy, (2) teachers as critical libertarian educators, (3) the employment of dialogue and problem-posing education in libertarian classrooms, (4) the de-mystification of educational reforms, and (5) teachers as actors of educational reforms.