第四十八輯.第四期 - 2002-12-31


Decentralization and Teacher Professional Autonomy--Reflection on the Educational Reform Experiences of Hong Kong and Taiwan

作 者:
黎萬紅、盧乃桂 / Man-Hong Lai Leslie N.K.Lo
分權、教育改革、教師專業化 / Decentralization、Educational reform、Teacher professionalization
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Hong Kong and Taiwan have initiated reform efforts in their educationalsystem in an attempt to cope with the challenges of globalization.Decentralization and teacher professionalization have been among the majorpolicy changes in educational policy. Under the new policies, the roles of thestate and local educational departments have indeed changed, and theirresponsibilities in education have been altered. School-based management hasbeen used as a major strategy for facilitating educational reform. In the courseof decentralizing power and shifting responsibilities to the schools, the stateof affairs in both educatonal systems can be characterized as progressing fromdeconcentration to delegation. At the school level, the participation of variousstakeholders has been enhanced; however, unlike that in Taiwan, theparticipation of Hong Kong teachers is considered low. In Taiwan, parents andteachers have stronger involvement in school affairs, but micro-politics havealso given rise to complications with regard to operations. Having to face thechallenges of micro-politics in school, the vulnerability of the teachers inthese two societies has become more apparent. There is a need for further reformat both the policy and school levels for authentic professional autonomy to beactualized. The empowerment of teachears remains an arduous process in thepursuit of teachers' professionalism.