第四十八輯.第二期 - 2002-06-30


Towards the Institutionalization of In-service Education for Teachers in Taiwan, R.O.C.

作 者:
楊深坑、楊銀興、周蓮清、黃淑玲、黃嘉莉 / Shen-Keng Yang* Yin-Hsin Yang** Lian-Ching Chou*** Shu-Ling Huang****Jia-Li Huang
教師在職進修、制度化 / Teacher in-service education、Institutionization
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This study attempts to propose a well-designed system of in service education for teachers in Taiwan through theoretical construction, comparative analysis and questionnaire survey. After careful investigation into theories of teacher professional development, knowledge management and social institution, a questionnaire of institionalization for teacher in-service education was developed. The questionnaire was administered to 940 stratified sampled respondents to collect their opinions about the well-designed system of teacher in-service education. The following result were reached:1. A well-designed system of teacher in-service education, based on the theories of Archer’s morphogenesis and Luhmann’s social system, can be equipped with potentialities to teacher’s continuing professional development.2. The common trend of teacher in-service education in France, Germany, Japan, U.K., and U.S.A is the establishment of institutionalized organizations promoting teachers’ professional development, though concrete measures vary from country to country.3. Most respondents of the survey questionnaire advocate the establishment of well-designed system for teacher in-service education to improve the teachers quality.Based on the findings, this study proposes an ideal model of teacher in-service education for the continued betterment of teacher quality in Taiwan.