第四十六輯 - 2001-01-31


A Study of Training Motivation, Role Perception, Teaching Willingness and Problems Pertaining to Teaching of the Pre-service Elementary School English Teacher Trainees

作 者:
李芝靜、何楚臺 / Lee, Chih-ching/H, Chu-tai
參訓動機、角色知覺、任教意願 / Training motivation、Role perception and teaching willingness
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the training motivation, role perception and teaching willingness of pre-service elementary school English teacher trainees. Three hundred and fifteen questionnaires collected from four universities were analyzed. The results show that the stronger the trainees agree with “interest” and “characteristics of teaching” in “training motivation” and “pupils’ behavior” “classroom activities” and “parents” in “role perception”, the stronger their teaching willingness is. The stronger the trainees agree with the “influence of other people” in “training motivation”, the weaker their teaching willingness is. Sixty percent of trainees show strong teaching willingness. Although many of the pre-service elementary school English teacher trainees tend to disagree with performing the duty of administrative work, they tend to strongly agree with playing the role of teaching and classroom management. We hope that the results of this study could offer the education authorities and elementary school administrators some insight to retain the prospective English teachers who are highly motivated in teaching.