第六十五輯.第一期 - 2019-03-31


Theory and Practice of Curriculum in John Dewey’s Laboratory School

作 者:
宋明娟 / Min-Chuan Sung
杜威實驗學校、課程史、課程理念、課程實驗 / Dewey School, curriculum history, curriculum theory, curriculum experiment
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本文以課程的歷史與哲學研究方法,探討杜威於芝加哥大學辦理實驗學校 (1896至1904年)的課程理念與實踐。首先分析杜威哲學的經驗論,再論其課程 理論並重社會、學生與知識的取向,其次梳理杜威學校的課程理念以及相應的實 務梗概,復次探討杜威實驗學校課程觀的歷史意義。研究發現,杜威的課程實驗 所欲解決之問題,是在同時兼重上述三種課程取向的前提下,發展合適的教材, 為此採行的主要途徑是以古往今來典型的社會活動作為取材來源。此外,杜威辦 學當時與其後之課程理念一脈相連,其課程學理與實務相得益彰;雖然杜威獨到 的課程理念未必受到完全的理解與認同,然其樹立課程實驗的精神典範,則為該 校課程實驗之重要價值。
This study aims at analyzing the theory and practice of curriculum in Dewey School (1896-1904) using the historical and philosophical research method in the field of curriculum. Firstly, John Dewey’s theory of experience is discussed, and his theory of curriculum orientation, with emphasis not only on society, but also on learner and knowledge is explained. Then the theory and practice of curriculum in Dewey School is elaborated. Finally the perspective of curriculum in Dewey School is analyzed in the context of curriculum history. It is discovered that the main problem which Dewey faced in the curriculum experiment was to find subject-matter that reflected the aforesaid three dimensions of curriculum orientation. He solved the problem by applying the sources of curriculum in the typical social activities especially called social occupations. Besides, the coherence of his curriculum theory from the beginning of his school practice till long time after indicates that his curriculum theory enriched practice and vice versa. No matter whether Dewey’s curriculum theory was fully understood or accepted by others, the spirit in the curriculum experiment which he set before is valuable, classic and immortal.


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