第六十五輯.第三期 - 2019-09-30

議題與趨勢:臺灣教育行政學遺失的一塊: 兩格論戰之意義及其在教育行政之啟示

Issues and Trends:The Missing Piece of Educational Administration in Taiwan: The Griffiths/Greenfield Debate and The Implications on Educational Administration

作 者:
蘇鈺楠 / Yu-Nan Su
兩格論戰、教育行政典範、教育行政哲學、理論運動 / the greenfield-griffiths debate, paradigm of educational administration, educational administration philosophy, the theory movement
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The Theory Movement and The Greenfield-Griffiths Debat are two major events in educational administration field. The former one lift the field as an academic science and the latter one transform the paradigm in it from empirical to multiple. However, there are few papers and voice about both significant events. Comparing the complexes and multiple trend in educational administration field, empirical still play a monopoly role in Taiwan. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to throw a sprat to catch a whale, hope to begin the conversation in educational administration field in Taiwan.



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