第六十六輯.第四期(高等教育的教與學 專刊) - 2020-12-31


Using Connectivism for the Instructional Design in a GNSS Course

作 者:
陳哲銘 / Che-Ming Chen
全球導航衛星系統、素養、連結論 / Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), competence, connectivism
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全球導航衛星系統是空間資訊技術的核心之一,為因應專業人才的需求,國 內各大學相關科系多在大學部開設「全球導航衛星系統」課程。過去課程的重 點偏重在瞭解基礎原理和訓練軟、硬體操作技能,但鑑於未來就業市場對於核心 素養的需要,有必要將課程的重點從訓練技能提升到培養素養。本研究應用新興 的學習理論「連結論」來進行課程的教學設計,期望透過在學習環境中強化「人 機」、「人際」與「人地」的連結來達成培養素養的目標。研究結果顯示,應用 連結論的教學可以增進學生在「專業知識」與「專業技能」方面的科學素養,但 若要培養「科學態度」,則有賴更進階的探究式課程。而地理學科所重視的「人 地」連結,可帶動更深、更廣的「人機」和「人際」連結,有助於素養學習成效 的提升。
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are one of the cores in geospatial technologies. In order to respond to the needs of geospatial professionals, many university departments in Taiwan have provided undergraduate GNSS courses. The introductory courses of GNSS usually focus on the understanding of basic principles and the training of hardware and software operating skills. In view of the future employment markets for key competence needs, the introductory courses need to be extend from training skills to developing competencies. In this study, we adopted a new learning theory “Connectivism” for instructional design. To achieve the goal of developing competencies, we proposed a teaching strategy by strengthening the connections among “human-device,” “human-human” and “human-environment” in the learning environment. The research results showed that the application of connectivism could improve students’ scientific competencies in “professional knowledge” and “professional skills,” but more advanced inquiry-based courses were required to develop “scientific attitude.” Moreover, the “human-environment” connection that geography emphasizes could drive deeper and broader “human-device” and “human- human” connections. It improved the effectiveness of developing competencies.

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