第六十七輯.第二期 - 2021-06-30


Improving the Employment of College Graduates in Taiwan: An Analysis of Policy Design

作 者:
謝卓君 / Chuo-Chun Jean Hsieh
政策工具、政策設計、高等教育、教育政策、就業力 / policy tools or policy instruments, policy design, higher education, education policy, employability
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Taiwan has made effort to improve the employment of college graduates by promoting policies for bridging the gap between higher education and the labor market since the 2000s. From the perspective of public policy theories, this study aims to unfold the mechanisms and problems of the design criteria for the government addressing the policy issue. This study firstly devises a theoretical framework for analyzing research questions regarding policy design. Secondly, the study applies the framework to examine the governmental measures introduced since 2005. Based on the context analysis, the study identifies the features of policy design for enhancing the employment of college graduates in Taiwan. The combination of the steering mode and the coercive mode raises concerns about consistency and congruency on the elements of policy design. Finally, this paper provides suggestions for the practices of policy implementation and future research.


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