第五十八輯.第二期 - 2012-06-30


Utility, Primary Goods, and the Capabilities Approach: Multiple Perspectives on 'Equality' and Their Educational Implications

作 者:
王俊斌 / Chun-Ping Wang
效用、基本善、能力取向、社會正義 / utility、primary goods、capabilities approach、social justice
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This essay, based on the foundations laid out by Amartya Sen in his article “Equality of what?” as well as other related literature and studies on utilitarianism, theory of justice, and the capabilities approach, delved into the contents and limitations of four different “equality” viewpoints which encompassed “utilitarian equality,” “total utility equality,” the “Rawlsian equality of primary goods,” and the “basic capability equality.” A large amount of research had been previously conducted on the application of the capabilities approach to welfare economics and ethics, but research on the educational applications of the capabilities approach remained comparatively sparse. To address this problem, this essay proposes in its concluding section multiple perspectives on “equality” and attempts to provide an ethical foundation that wouldbetter suit the discussions of educational equality in the future.

APA 格式
王俊斌(Chun-Ping Wang)(2012年06月30日),〈效用、基本善與能力發展-論「平等」的多元視野及其教育蘊義〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月26日取自


MLA 格式
王俊斌(Chun-Ping Wang),〈效用、基本善與能力發展-論「平等」的多元視野及其教育蘊義〉。《教育研究集刊》第 58 期(2012),取自