第五十八輯.第四期 - 2012-12-31


Correlation Analysis on Academic Control Factors, Self-Efficacy, Strain Factors and the Onset of Junior High School Students' Cheating Behavior

作 者:
張楓明、譚子文 / Feng-Ming Chang, Tzyy-Wen Tan
作弊行為、參與、抱負、自我效能、緊張 / onset of cheating、involvement、commitment、self-efficacy、strain
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There are few empirical research studies focused on the cheating behavior of junior high school students. Moreover, the relationship between academic factors and the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior has largely been ignored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between academic factors, includinginvolvement, commitment, academic self-efficacy and academic strain, andthe onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. As sample of380 students, was selected from all public junior high schools in Chiayi City using a cluster method. A nested logistic regression model was used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that academic self-efficacy and the burden and pressure from study had an impact on the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. Otherwise, low self-control was not related to the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. Finally, this study also provided some practical and academic suggestions based on the research findings.

APA 格式

張楓明、譚子文(Feng-Ming Chang , Tzyy-Wen Tan)(2012年12月31日),〈學業控制因素、學業自我效能及學業緊張因素與國中生初次作弊行為之關聯性分析〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月26日取自


MLA 格式 張楓明、譚子文(Feng-Ming Chang , Tzyy-Wen Tan),〈學業控制因素、學業自我效能及學業緊張因素與國中生初次作弊行為之關聯性分析〉。《教育研究集刊》第 58 期(2012),取自