第六十輯.第一期 - 2014-03-31


A Study of Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs, Goal Setting, and Teaching Volition in the Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities: The Cases of Primary School in New Taipei City

作 者:
黃儒傑 / Ju-Chieh Huang
目標設定、知識信念、教師專業社群、教學意志力 / teachers’ professional learning communities (PLC), epistemological beliefs, goal setting, teaching volition
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This study used questionnaires to analyze the differences between Professional Learning Communities (PLC) teachers and non-PLC teachers in terms of epistemological beliefs, goal setting, and teaching volition, and to analyze LC teachers’ relationships with the epistemological beliefs, goal setting, and teaching volition of teachers. Questionnaires were administered to PLC teachers as well as non-PLC teachers in New Taipei City. PLC teachers returned 266 questionnaires and non-PLC teachers returned 273 questionnaires. Factor analysis, MANOVA, and structural equation models were used to analyze the questionnaire data and several valuable results were found. First, the LC teachers showed better epistemological beliefs, higher goal setting, and higher level of teaching volition than non-PLC teachers.

APA 格式
黃儒傑(Ju-Chieh Huang)(2014年3月31日),〈參與教師社群教師知識信念、目標設定及教學意志力之研究:以新北市國小為例〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年03月31日取自


MLA 格式
黃儒傑(Ju-Chieh Huang),〈參與教師社群教師知識信念、目標設定及教學意志力之研究:以新北市國小為例〉。《教育研究集刊》第 60 期(2014),取自