近年來臺灣積極進行之教育改革,在高中職升學管道方面,自 2000 年起,除
方式;進而在 2001 年全面廢除聯考,改由其他方式取代。此項改革實施之後,其
期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)的樣本進行分析。結果發
Taiwan’s government has proposed many educational reform programs in recent
years. In addition to the joint high school entrance examination, beginning from 2000,
recommendations, applications, registration-and-distribution, and direct promotion also
became ways of entering a senior high school. In 2001, the joint high school entrance
examination was finally eliminated. However, contrary to what the Taiwan government
had anticipated, the multi-phase high school entrance program has been severely criticized
due to its controversial mode of operation. The results of our in-depth interviews
and data analysis (the data were collected by Taiwan’s Education Panel Survey) demonstrate
that the multi-phase high school entrance program has divided the selection
process into several critical parts. Therefore students now have to deal with the admissions
requirements both on and off campus. Furthermore, the selection and recommendation
criteria are not the same for different schools, and students with better family
backgrounds still have the advantage when it comes to being recommended for admission
to public senior high schools. Also, the parents or relatives of students with a
higher socioeconomic status can easily influence the selection process and criteria. We
therefore argue that Taiwan’s selection and recommendation criteria for new applicants
to senior high schools, as well as the timing of assignments, the school classification
system, and the reviewing process for the multi-phase high school entrance program,
should all be re-considered.