幼教之途?本研究以德國 80 年代在人文社會科學中興起之生命傳記研究取向,採
用社會學者 F. Schütze 所發展的敘述訪談及理論建構分析方案,進行資深幼兒教
This research project’s purpose was to characterize the professional disposition of
preschool teachers. It examined the oral biographies of preschool teachers in order to
analyze the relationship between their childhood experiences and their professional
role formation. The method of data collection was the narrative interview; the method
of data analysis was based on the theory of construction analysis. Thus far the findings
indicate that these teachers have undergone four different modes of occupational socialization.
They were motivated and have learned to become a preschool teacher: (1)as
a result of their father’s love and care in early childhood; (2)due to the effects of receiving
little love from their parents in early childhood; (3)after coming to accept the
limitations in their own abilities and early environment; (4)through their natural inclination
to enact the role of teacher-as-mother.