第三十九輯 - 1997-11-30

保羅.呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur)文本詮釋學的教育意涵

Textual Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and its Entailments of Education

作 者:
楊洲松 / Yang, Chou-sung
呂格爾、詮釋學、教育 / Hermeneutics、Education
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Through the approach of historical hermeneutics, this study aims at analyzing the textual hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and its entailments of education. Ricoeur argues that by the dialectics between “distinciation” and “appropriation” man understands truth and the structure of being himself. In terms of Ricoeur’s theory, education as a meaningful text waits for understanding and interpreting for teachers and students. Through the dialectics between “distinciation” and “arppropriation”, teacher and student in different history of effectives understand the structure of being and get fusion of horizons, and then “ent-wurf” themselves.