第五十六輯.第四期 - 2010-12-31


A philosophical investigation into the education of emotion: myths, significance, and suggestions

作 者:
林建福 / Chien-Fu Lin
情緒、教育、情緒教育 / emotion、education、the education of emotion
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  • 英文摘要
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The undeniable fact that human beings are able to feel and have emotions could be regarded as the crucial embodiment of a living soul. However, in order to obtain both individual person’s well-being and a well-ordered and harmonious society, human emotions are in need of adequate cultivation. Therefore, the education of emotion is chosen as the topic of this study. This paper is divided into three parts: to begin with, the myths regarding the education of emotion are clarified in the first section of this paper. The significance of human emotions is then expounded. Finally, some suggestions concerning the education of emotion are put forward as the conclusion of this study. The suggestions put forward are as follows: to pay equal attention to first-hand experiences and the formation of concepts in teaching; to bring about adequate habits of expressing and displaying feelings; to cultivate virtuous attitude and sensibility to feelings; to promote emotional literacy of teachers and build the pedagogical atmosphere of schools; and to show concern for the impact of family life and society’s ethos on the education of emotion.

APA 格式
林建福 (Chien-Fu Lin)(2010年12月31日),〈情緒教育的哲學探究:迷思、重要性與建議〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月25日取自


MLA 格式
林建福 (Chien-Fu Lin),〈情緒教育的哲學探究:迷思、重要性與建議〉。《教育研究集刊》第 56 期(2010),取自