第五十二輯.第四期 - 2006-12-31


Cram School Attendance and College Entrance Exam Scores of Senior High School Students in Taiwan

作 者:
林大森 陳憶芬 / Da-Sen Lin Yi-Fen Chen
補習班、大學多元入學方案、教育改革 / cram schooling, Multiple-College-Entrance project, educational reform
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本研究乃是在大學多元入學制度脈絡下,探討高中生的補習問題。補習是近 年來教育改革希望減緩的現象,但許多研究顯示,教改方案施行後補習班不減反 增。學生投入補習對於考好大學真有效果嗎?多元入學方案對補習產業的發展是 阻力還是助力?這是本研究關懷的問題。 本文以「臺灣高等教育資料庫」的資料進行量化分析。研究結果有二:一、 社經背景對學生參與補習雖有正向關聯,但影響力並不大。二、補習對大考學測 成績未必完全有助益,視補習的科目與年級而定。本文發現,高中生參與補習對 考試不一定有實質幫助,考生與家長應當三思。
In the context of the vastly increased percentage of high school graduates in Taiwan now entering colleges and universities, this paper explores the phenomenon of senior high school students attending cram schools. The purpose of educational reform has been to reduce the need for “cram schooling,” yet numerous studies reveal that many students still attend cram schools. In this paper, we are concerned with the relationship between cram school attendance and students’ scores on College Entrance Exams. Furthermore, we want to determine whether the much greater number of colleges/universities and of students entering them, or “Multiple-College-Entrance” system, has contributed to the increasing number of cram schools. The study used data retrieved from “Taiwan Higher Education Data System” to conduct a quantitative analysis. The findings were as follows. Firstly, students’ socio-economic background was a negligible factor with regard to their attending cram schools. Secondly, “cramming” did not necessarily improve students’ scores on the College Entrance Exams; these scores had a much clearer correlation with students’ high school and intended university majors (e.g. high scores for medical-science majors) as well as with their high school grades. Given the unclear impact of studying in cram schools on College Entrance Exam scores, students and their parents should consider whether cram school attendance was worth the time and money.