第四十八輯.第三期 - 2002-09-30


Autobiography Text: Curriculum Discourses and Criticism

作 者:
陳昇飛 / Shen-Fei Chen
自傳、課程、課程理論 / Autobiography、Curriculum、Curriculum theory
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The concept of “text” comes from poststructuralism. W. Pinar used it to signify the different approaches of curriculum theory. After Reconceptualism, the curriculum theorizing was influenced by many approaches, including phenomenology, autobiography, race, gender, politics, aesthetics and so on. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the autobiography test in curriculum. Autobiography concerns a particular persons’ life story. Autobiography research is done was in order to understand the meaning behind the life story, and to grasp the key elements for curriculum development. The major findings of this paper are as follows: 1.To emphasize the subjectivity in curriculum; 2.To attach importance of meaning in understanding curriculum; 3.To explore the self-identity; and 4.To clarify the curriculum as experience.