第四十八輯.第三期 - 2002-09-30

探討德國教育學者Wolfgang Klafki教育理論之轉向

The Transformation of W. Klafki's Theory from Humanism to Critical Theory

作 者:
朱啟華 / Chi-Hua Chu
範疇教育理論、批判-建構的教育科學、範例原則 / Transformational process、Theoretic direction、Humanistic、Critical theory、Wolfgang Klafki
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本文主要在探討德國教育學者Wolfgang Klafki(1927 -)教育理論的轉變過程。雖然,他由精神科學的教育學,轉變為批判理論向的教育學,所使用的語言及關注的焦點有明顯的不同,但其思想發展並非斷裂性的,而是具有延續性。
In this paper I want to discuss the transformational process ofeducational theory of German pedagog Wolfgang Klafki. Although the languagsand the focuses in his theoretic direction from humanistic- to criticaltheory-oriented are different, the development of his thought is notfragmental, but continuous.