第六十三輯.第二期 - 2017-06-30

學校推廣閱讀活動對國小四年級學童 課後閱讀參與的影響: 以悅讀101計畫為例

The Effect of Schools’ Reading Promotion Activities on Fourth Graders’ Reading Engagement Outside of School: A Study of Happy Reading 101 Program

作 者:
張芳華 / Fang-Hua Jhang
PIRLS、多層次模型下傾向分數配對法、悅讀101計畫、閱讀活動 / PIRLS, propensity score estimates in multilevel models, the HR101P, reading activities
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在閱讀教育推行政策中,悅讀101計畫是屬於大規模推動的閱讀計畫,以推 動閱讀活動為主軸,其目的之一在促進學生的閱讀參與。為評估學校閱讀推廣 活動對於學生課後閱讀參與的效用,本研究參考概念導向閱讀教學的三個活動 要素,運用2011年「國際閱讀素養進展測驗」(Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, PIRLS)資料,以多層次模型下傾向分數配對法進行分析。研究發 現有:一、常接觸校內閱讀活動,即常給予學生自由選書和安靜閱讀機會,能提 升課後閱讀參與;二、常接觸校內閱讀活動的平均效果並不受學校層級推行閱讀 活動的影響。文末依據研究發現提出具體建議,作為推行閱讀活動與未來研究的 參考。
Among educational policies promoting reading, the Happy Reading 101 program (the HR101P) is a large-scale and activity-based reading educational program. The HR101P aims to increase students’ reading engagement. In order to assess the effects of schools’ reading promotion activities on students’ reading engagement outside of school, this study took the three activity elements of concept-oriented reading instruction into account and used the propensity score in multilevel models to analyze data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). The results are as follows. First, the fourth-graders frequently exposed to school reading activities with more opportunities of choosing preferred books and quiet reading became more engaged in reading outside of school on average than those counterparts without these opportunities. Second, the average effect of being frequently exposed to school-wide reading activities did not depend on the extent of the school-level reading promotion activities. Finally, based on the findings, this study concludes with suggestions and references to the authorities of reading promotion activities and to future researchers.


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