第六十四輯.第二期 - 2018-06-30

運用芝加哥藝術教育夥伴模式進行音 樂融入兒童英語學習之課程設計與實 施:以增進新住民兒童之學習為焦點

The Curriculum Design and Implementation of Music Infused into Children’s English Learning Project Based on the CAPE Model: Focus on Enhancing the Learning of New-Immigrant Students

作 者:
鄭月秀、吳筱萍 / Yueh-Hsiu Cheng, Hsiao-Ping Wu
CAPE、芝加哥藝術教育夥伴模式、新住民學童、藝術融入課程 / CAPE model, Chicago Arts Partnership in Education, new- immigrant students, arts infused curriculum
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本研究以行動研究法將音樂融入雲林縣G國小六年級假日補救班之英語科教 學,針對三名新住民學童及三名一般學童進行八週的行動教學研究,透過課程計 畫、行動、觀察及反思的過程,完成芝加哥藝術教育夥伴模式進行音樂融入兒童 英語學習的課程設計,以增進新住民兒童之學習成效。根據教學行動研究結果發 現,藝術融入課程有助於刺激新住民學童的學習能力,而音樂融入英語學習的教 學實踐具有提升學童學習語言能力的良好成效。雖然藝術融入課程的功效非短期 可見,但確實有效提升了教師與學生的多元能力,而藝術形式及學科課程的選擇 與學生學習的程度表現則環環相扣。教學團隊從課程規劃的開始,便要進行多方 的溝通、大量的探究及專業的交流才能發揮教學成效的最佳化,形成良好的教學 循環。
This study adopted an action research method to draw on a music-infused English curriculum in a 6th- grade holiday remedial class in G elementary school in Yunlin County. The study investigated the implementation of arts-infused curriculum for 8 weeks for 3 new-immigrant students and 3 native students, through the process of plan, action, observation, and reflection to achieve the curriculum design and implementation of music-infused curriculum into children’s English learning project based on the CAPE Model to enhance the learning outcomes of new-immigrant Students. The results of this action research study indicated that the course design of arts-infused curriculum stimulated the learning ability of new-immigrant students. The curriculum design of music-infused English learning improved learning outcomes. The effect of arts infused curriculum was not a short-term outcome, but with effective enhancement of teachers and students’ diverse abilities. The selection of art form and subject course are intertwined with the degree of student learning outcomes. Multi-party communication, numerous inquiry and professional exchanges could optimize the effectiveness of teaching. Hence, the arts-infused curriculum could effectively form a good teaching cycle.

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