第五十九輯.第二期 - 2013-06-30


The Effects of Genre-based Writing Instruction on College English Academic Literacy

作 者:
鄒文莉、林愛恩 / Wenli Tsou and Vivien Lin
文步、文類本位教學、文體類型、摘要寫作 / moves、genre-based instruction、text types、abstract writing
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  • 英文摘要
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This study first investigates the current level of awareness towards genres of academic writing among students at a public university in Taiwan, and then measures the effect of genre-based writing instruction on the students’ genre awareness and the quality of their writing for the argumentative text type. Eighty-six sophomores enrolled in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course were randomly divided into control and experimental groups, and completed tests on genre awareness and argumentative writing before and after the genre-based writing instruction courses. Over seven weeks, the experimental group received weekly training sessions on the relationship between text and context, rhetorical structure, and lexico-grammatical features of eight key academic text types. Through small group activities, they analyzed and practiced writing the text types. Finally, both groups were measured on their writing abilities. Results showed that although both groups displayed a low level of genre awareness, after instruction, the experimental group increased their genre awareness significantly. Furthermore, the experimental group showed significant improvement in their textual organization and coherence based on analytical scoring. Genre-based training also resulted in significant improvements in text development, structure, and cohesion. The study proved the effectiveness of academic literacy training sessions on improving academic writing at the university level.

APA 格式

鄒文莉、林愛恩(Wenli Tsou, Vivien Lin)(2013年06月30日),〈文類本位寫作教學對大學生學術英語讀寫能力之影響〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月26日取自


MLA 格式

鄒文莉、林愛恩(Wenli Tsou, Vivien Lin),〈文類本位寫作教學對大學生學術英語讀寫能力之影響〉。《教育研究集刊》第 59 期(2013),取自