第五十三輯.第三期 - 2007-09-30

論J. F. Herbart德育理論做為融入式 道德教育在教學上的依據

J. F. Herbart’s Moral Education Theory as the Basis for an Inclusive Moral Education

作 者:
朱啟華 / Chi-Hua Chu
管理、教育性教學、訓育 / government, educational instruction, discipline
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臺灣在九年一貫課程改革之後,取消單一設科,改以融入式的方式進行道德 教育。面對這種轉變,本文試圖由J. F. Herbart(1776-1841)德育理論中的管理 (Regierung)、教育性教學(erziehender Unterricht)以及訓育(Zucht)著手,試 圖指出,透過管理可以形成學生守秩序的習慣,由教育性教學可以喚起學生關注 道德議題的興趣,而訓育則能將這種興趣,進一步轉化為學生實踐道德的意志。 所以藉由管理、教育性教學及訓育三者的連結,可以為融入式道德教育,提供在 教學上的依據。
After the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Reform in Taiwan, moral education is no longer taught as a single subject in schools. What is currently practiced is a form of “inclusive” moral education. In light of this change, the author investigates J. F. Herbart’s (1776-1841) ideas on government, educational instruction, and discipline in an attempt to explore the implications of an inclusive moral education. Herbart’s ideas on government may be used to help students form the habit of obeying rules; his ideas on educational instruction may be used to motivate students’ interest in moral issues; his notion of discipline can help transform students’ moral values into a strong will to moral action. Therefore, by integrating Herbart’s ideas on government, educational instruction, and discipline, the author offers an instructional basis for an inclusive moral education in Taiwan.