第六十二輯.第四期 - 2016-12-31


The Effects of Brain-Based Learning on Students’ Knowledge Structure, Problem-Solving Capability, and Learning Motivation in Physical Education Teaching

作 者:
陳昭宇,林靜萍 / Chao-Yu Chen,Ching-Ping Lin
以大腦為基礎的學習、社會腦、傳統體育教學、運動教育模式、與腦相容的課程與教學 / brain-based learning, social brain, traditional PE teaching, sport education model, brain-compatible curriculum and teaching 
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本研究目的旨在發展以大腦為基礎學習(brain-based learning, BBL)的體育 教學方法,並探討其對學生知識理解、問題解決能力與學習動機之影響。基於研 究目的與問題,本研究以量為主、質為輔的取向,採準實驗設計不等控制組設計 (nonequivalent control group),研究參與者為一位體育教師及其授課班級兩班 八年級50位學生,分為實驗組(實施BBL取向體育教學)與控制組(實施傳統體 育教學),參與16節籃球課。研究工具為「概念構圖」、「籃球問題解決能力測 驗」與「國中生體育學習動機量表」,分別進行前、後測,以了解學生知識理 解、問題解決能力與學習動機的學習成效,並輔以訪談、觀察與文件分析蒐集質 性資料,以共變數分析與持續比較法進行資料處理。研究結果發現:一、實驗組 在概念構圖測驗明顯優於控制組,實驗組在教學介入後概念構圖成績有顯著進 步。二、實驗組在問題解決能力測驗明顯優於控制組,實驗組在教學介入後問題 解決能力有顯著進步。三、實驗組在學習動機測驗明顯優於控制組,實驗組在教教學介入後學習動機表現有顯著進步。整體而言,BBL取向體育教學方法確實能 夠促進知識理解、提升問題解決能力並激發學習動機。
The purpose of this research was to develop a physical education (PE) teaching method based on brain-based learning (BBL) and to examine its effects on students’ knowledge structure, problem-solving capability, and learning motivation. The research used both qualitative and quantitative methods adopting an nonequivalent control group design in a quasi-experiment. The participants based on purposive sampling technique include one female PE teacher and her fifty eighth-grade students. The students were divided into two groups: one experimental group administered with BBL PE teaching, and one control group administered with traditional PE teaching, both for sixteen basketball lessons. The instruments to examine the effects of BBL PE teaching consist of personal concept mapping, the test of problem-solving capability in basketball, and learning motivation questionnaires. Interview, observation, and document analysis were also later conducted inductively. The data were analyzed with covariance and constant comparison method. There are three major results. First, there was a significant difference in the personal concept mapping between the two groups. The increased mean score for the experimental group showed that BBL PE teaching has enhanced the students’ deep understanding and has also expanded the scope of nature knowledge. Second, there was a significant difference in the test of problem-solving capability in basketball between two groups. The statistics shows that the students’ problem-solving capability in basketball has been developed during BBL PE teaching. Finally, there was a significant difference in the learning motivation questionnaires between two groups. According to the score, the learning motivation has been cultivated by BBL PE teaching. All in all, the knowledge and the problem-solving capability in basketball, as well as the learning motivation of the experimental group have all been improved.

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