第四十ㄧ輯 - 1998-07-31


A Study of Attitudes in Gender Equity Curriculum of Teachers at Junior High Schools

作 者:
謝臥龍、方德隆、張鈺珮 / Xie, Wo-Long* Fang, De-Long** Zhang, Yu-Pei***
教師的態度、兩性平等教育、兩性平等教育課程 / Gender equity education、Teachers' attitudes、Gender equity curriculum
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This research examined the gender-equity curriculum cognition, emotion, and behaviors of secondary teachers who serviced in the Kaohsiung area. Researcher used one survey instrument that was designed by herself to collect initial data on the attitudes of the participants. Teachers showed a lack of the cognition of the gender equity curriculum. They were not aware of sexism in the current curriculum and did not consider that gender was constructed by society and culture. As a result, they could not practice behavior of gender-equity in the classroom. Recommendations included that teachers must learn more about the concepts of gender equity curriculum and to develop a view of postmodernism. Then, they can create the multi-cultural and gender balanced context in the classroom.