P. Willis的《學做工》:概念、方法 與研究方向
P. Willis’s Learning to Labor: Concepts, Method, and Research Direction
- 關鍵字:
- 反學校文化、學校組織、歷史比較方法、競逐性再生產 / anti-school culture, school organization, historical-comparative method, contested reproduction
P. Willis’s Learning to Labor: Concepts, Method, and Research DirectionTing-Hong Wong
Learning to Labor or Being Afraid to Labor? An Analysis of the High-Academic- Achievement Working-Class Students and Parents’ Counter-Reproduction Attitude in the Taiwanese SocietyYing-Jie Jheng
Words from the EditoralHuang, Horng-wen
Learning to Labor While Learning to be a Man: An Ethnographic Study of the Intersectionality of Class and Gender in the Counter-School CultureChiao-Ling Yang
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