第六十四輯.第四期(九年國教實施五十年:回顧與前瞻專刊) - 2018-12-31

研究紀要/學術評論:知之為不知,不知為知之,學習也: 論不知本位教與學

Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries: Knowing is Unknowing and Unknown is Known: Discussing Ignorance-based Teaching and Learning

作 者:
曾正宜 / Jeng-Yi Tzeng
不知認識論、不知本位教學、知識本位教學 / ignorance epistemology, ignorance-based pedagogy, knowledge- based pedagogy
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Confucius argues that true knowing is to discern the difference between the known and the unknown, but the line becomes blurry in the time of information exploration. From Laozi’s perspective, the known and the unknown are not only symbiotic but also mutually cultivating. Knowledge-based pedagogy, which dominates current school teaching, aims at pursuing orthodox powerful knowledge, and tends to reinforce extant mainstream disciplines. But, it overlooks the duality and mutuality of the known and the unknown, and thus fails to empower students to challenge and renovate knowledge by pursuing the unknown from the known. In this article, I compare the knowledge- based pedagogy with the ignorance-based pedagogy, discuss theories underpinning the beginning, the process, and the conclusion of ignorance-based teaching and learning, and introduce an exemplary curriculum that accentuates using ignorance to induce deep learning. These are to argue that future-oriented teaching should not only focus on problem-solving abilities, but also strive for ignorance-based teaching and learning that help learners to see the unknown in the known, and to identify the known by the unknown.

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