第六十七輯.第二期 - 2021-06-30

「他性」與倫理教育:從M. Heidegger基礎存有學到P. Ricoeur自我詮釋學中的倫理思想

Otherness and Ethical Education: From M. Heidegger’s Foundamental Ontology to P. Ricoeur’s Ethical Thought in Hermeneutics of Self

作 者:
何佳瑞 / Katia Lenehan
存有學、他性、關心、良心、倫理教育 / ontology, otherness, solicitude, conscience, ethical education
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This paper discusses Ricoeur’s ethical thoughts starting with Heidegger’s ontology. Based on the concept of “otherness,” this paper then illustrates the theoretical continuation and evolution from Heidegger to Ricoeur. During this evolution and transformation, a neutral ontological “solicitude” gradually extends to an ethically affectionate concern for others, showing that moral conscience originally contains a space for “the others” within itself. This paper thereby argues that a person, as he is, is an ethical being, being necessarily and inevitably “open” to others. Finally, from this ontological approach, ethical education is suggested to lead the educated to discover within themselves this ethical source as an openness towards others. Ethical education in this way is an education in accordance with human nature, namely, an education which leads towards or returns to man’s own ethical source. Rather than only demanding the educated to comply with obligation, ethical education as such provides positive teaching which is consistent with man’s ontological source and his natural desires, and results in a more effective way of teaching.

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