第六十七輯.第三期 - 2021-09-30


Reconsidering the Definition and Identification of Learning Disability: A Perspective of Sociology of Special Education

作 者:
楊巧玲 / Chiao-ling Yang
學習障礙、鑑定安置、缺陷思維、特教需求、健全常規 / learning disability, identification and placement, deficit thinking, special education needs, ableist normativity assumption
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On behalf of the tradition of critical education, this study discloses the contradiction between educational ideals and school practices focusing on the definition and identification of learning disability (LD). It intends to examine how LD is socially constructed. Data come from interviews and documents. Three findings include, 1, Manufacturing LD: from nonexistence, occurrence, to high-visibility; 2. Gray zone: hard to tell LD from low achievement; 3. Special needs: difficult to exempt from inadequate cultural stimuli. Thus formulate three points for discussion: 1. The entire educational system produces special education needs; 2. Special education needs reflect the assumption of ableist normativity; 3. Ableist normativity reinforces deficit thinking. This study concludes with three statements: 1. It is a system of demand and supply chain; 2. Needs and deficits are two sides of the same coin; 3. It mirrors the assumption of ableist normativity and an anxiety about population quality. It is important to reconsider the definition and identification of LD for fear of contravening the policy and vision of equal education opportunity and cultural diversity.


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