第六十六輯.第四期(高等教育的教與學 專刊) - 2020-12-31


Scholarship of Educational Development: Scaffolding SoTL through Evidence-based Educational Development

作 者:
李冠穎、符碧真 / Guan-Ying Li, Bih-Jen Fwu
高等教育、教育發展、教育發展的研究、教與學的研究、教學實踐 研究計畫 / higher education, educational development, scholarship of educational development, scholarship of teaching and learning, teaching practice research program
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Boyer於1990年發表了〈學術的再思考〉一文,迄今邁入第30年,該文帶動 了高等教育教與學的研究(Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,簡稱SoTL)之 興起。為提升高等教育的教學品質,教育部自2017年起推動教學實踐研究計畫, 鼓勵教師從事SoTL。本文以一所研究型大學為例,分析該校教師2020年之教學 實踐研究計畫書,探究教師在撰寫計畫時遇到的困難。本文也訪談了教師與教 育發展(Educational Development, ED)專業人員,探討教育發展實務該如何協 助教師解決困難。結果顯示,SoTL跨領域的特性使得教師在計畫撰寫階段即面 臨了界定研究問題、選擇教育文獻、規劃教學設計與確立評量規準等困難。為 因應上述困難,教育發展專業人員需具備研究能力,從事「教育發展的研究」 (Scholarship of Educational Development, SoED),此一證據為本的新興研究領 域,有助於確立教育發展實務應聚焦的重點,同時策略性地與大學願景結合,以 提升教育發展實務的效能並促進SoTL之發展。
The year 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of Boyer’s (1990) seminal work- Scholarship Reconsidered Priorities of the Professoriate which has stimulated a burgeoning literature on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in higher education. In Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has implemented Teaching Practice Research Program (TPRP) since 2017 to engage academics in SoTL. Carried out in a research-intensive university, this study analyzed the proposals submitted for the 2020 TPRP to uncover challenges that academics encountered when embarking on SoTL. Academics and professionals of educational development (ED) were interviewed to explore possible solutions to the challenges. The results suggest that academics’ attempts to undertake SoTL would involve a steep learning curve regarding identification of a research question, review of literature, instructional design, and criteria for assessment, as a result of the transdisciplinary characteristic of SoTL. These challenges emerged in the early stage of proposal preparations. To help academics sail through the challenges, ED professionals need to develop research skills to integrate scholarship of educational development (SoED) into ED. This emerging evidence- based research field would inform prioritization of ED programs in response to academics’ needs and align ED agendas with institutional goals to enhance the capacity of ED to facilitate SoTL development.

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