第四十八輯.第四期 - 2002-12-31


Community-based Education for Taiwan's Aboriginal Schools

作 者:
許添明、張琦琪 / Tian-Ming Sheu Chi-Chi Chang
原住民教育、社區本位教育、焦點談體訪談 / Aboriginal education、Community-based education、Focus group interview
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On the basis of an extensive review of the literature, we have foundthat community-based education (CBE) has been highly effective in solvingproblems concerning aboriginal education in western countries. Is CBE equallygood for aboriginal schools in Taiwan? This paper aims at answring this questionby means of focus group interviews, comprised of practitioners of aboriginaleducation in Taiwan.Members of the focus group recommend that aboriginal schools in Taiwanshould implement CBE immediately. Taking Taiwan's educational context intoconsideration, they further suggest that educators in aboriginal schools firstproactively invite parents and community members to become more genuinelyinvolved in the design of school curricula. Then, educators should combinetraditional tribal education and a mentoring system within the school education.They also make recommendations pertaining to school management and educationaladministrative board's implementation CBE of in Taiwan's aboriginal schools.