第四十八輯.第四期 - 2002-12-31


The Fiscal Equity Effects of the School Basic Needs Formulae

作 者:
陳麗珠 / Li-Ju Chen
教育經費、財政公平、基本需求經費 / Education expenditure、Fiscal equity、Basic education needs
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The Basic Education Need Expenditure was first regulated in theCompilation and Management of theEducation Expenditure Act in 2000. For thecalculation of the Basic Education Needs and three formulae- the optimal classscale formula, the marginal student cost formula, and the favorable formula.This study examines the fiscal equity effects- horizontal equity, wealthneutrality, and vertical equity-of the Basic Education Needs Expenditures fork-9 schools in 2003. After measuring the fiscal equity effects of the threeformulae, this study recommends policy makers adopt the favorable formula sinceit includes important criteria for the distribution of general subsidies.