Britons’ Educational Activities and Educational Transfer to China in the Qing Dynasty before the Wuxu Reform
- 關鍵字:
- 戊戌變法、英國教育、教會學校、教育轉移 / British education, educational transfer, mission schools, Wuxu Reform
Words from the EditoralChin-Ju Mao
Britons’ Educational Activities and Educational Transfer to China in the Qing Dynasty before the Wuxu ReformYU-WEN CHOU
Reflections on Governance of Taiwan’s Higher Education Based on an Analysis of Government’s Choice of Policy InstrumentsChuo-Chun Hsieh
A Critical Review of the Policies of Academic Dismissal from UniversityOne-Soon, Her、Jun-Ru, Lin
Rogers’ Theory of Innovation Diffusion Discussed for Curriculum DisseminationHou Yi-Hsin
Book Review on Teaching History Then and Now: A Story of Stability and Change in SchoolsPei-Fen Sung
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