第六十四輯.第三期 - 2018-09-30

校長促進教師專業學習的槓桿: 校長學習領導對教師課堂教學研究 影響之中介模式分析

The Leverage for Principals to Promote Teacher Professional Learning: Analyzing a Mediated-effects Model Regarding the Impact of Principal Leadership for Learning on Lesson Study

作 者:
潘慧玲、陳文彥 / Hui-Ling Wendy Pan, Wen-Yan Chen
校長學習領導、教師效能感、教師專業學習、教師學習領導、課堂 教學研究 / principal leadership for learning, teacher efficacy, teacher professional learning, teacher leadership for learning, lesson study
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在十二年國教新課綱即將啟動的脈絡下,了解校長如何促使教師進行課堂教 學研究,以讓教師每年公開授課的規範,得以發揮其專業學習的實質功能,甚 具重要性。基此背景,本研究採問卷調查法,以臺灣本島公立國中為母群,探討 校長學習領導對教師專業學習之影響路徑。在以課堂教學研究作為教師專業學習 之指標,以及教師學習領導與教師效能感作為中介變項下,運用結構方程模式進 行中介模式分析。研究結果顯示,校長學習領導與教師學習領導、效能感和課堂 教學研究在學校現場均有中上程度的表現;校長學習領導對於教師課堂教學研究 的影響強度,不若教師學習領導與教師效能感來得大;校長學習領導對教師課堂 教學研究的影響被部分中介,其影響力主要透過教師學習領導與教師效能感而發 揮。此研究結果指陳了教師學習領導的實踐與教師效能感的提升,是校長帶動教師願意持續學習的重要槓桿。
The 12-year basic education curriculum guideline is about to launch in 2019. When it takes effects, teachers are regulated to open classroom on a yearly basis. In the context, to assess how principals promote teacher professional learning becomes an important issue. This study, employing a survey design, examined the impact path of principal leadership for learning on teacher professional learning. The participants from public junior high schools in Taiwan were recruited as samples. Structure equation modeling was used to analyze the data with teacher leadership for learning and teacher efficacy as mediators. The findings indicated that teachers who have perceived the enactments of principal leadership for learning, teacher leadership for learning, teacher efficacy, and teachers’ participation in lesson study were all at a moderately high level. The direct effect of principal leadership for learning on teachers’ participation in lesson study was weaker than those of teacher leadership for learning and teacher efficacy. Moreover, the impact of principal leadership for learning on teachers’ participation in lesson study was partially mediated. Teacher leadership for learning and teacher efficacy was found to mediate the principal effect on teacher engagement of lesson study. Our findings indicate that teacher leadership for learning and teacher efficacy was the leverage points for principal to promote teacher learning.

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